She Went Home.

In the deep of night,

The angels came.

In silence, in peace

To awaken her soul,

To raise her weary spirit,

To welcome her home.


In the darkest hours,

She was filled with the Living Light of Heaven.

The heaviness of the human world,

Gently faded away.

Her soul, light-hearted as an innocent child, rose in glory.

All the angels previously invited

To this Holy place

Welcomed her with resounding trumpets and song.


She felt the beautiful rhythm

Of familiar hearts,

Returning from an eternal absence.

Her Mother, Father, Brothers, Sisters

All wrapping her in a loving embrace.

She went home.


Still tears remain,

Falling through the cracks

Left behind in the hearts of the broken.

Who long for her presence, her laugh, her stories.

Yet, comfort tenderly seeps in,

As they share the celebrations and the memories,

As they listen to the footsteps lingering on their souls.


Her spirit surrounds them

In strength, in support, in peace.

With endless light, she guides her family and her friends

Onward in their Earthly journeys.


She watches from above,

Patiently awaiting the day

When she will once again hold her loved ones,

Who rise to join her in the splendor of Heaven

Just as she was welcomed in the Lord’s glory,

The day…

She went home.

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Angel Wings

Where in the clouds do you hide so soft and still?

A single, precious feather

Reveals your unspoken presence;

A silent whisper of your secret visit

Lifts our heavy hearts.


Like the wings of a butterfly,

We are fragile, but powerful.

We stand renewed with you by our side.


With wings you guide…

Showing us the strength hidden within ourselves,

To overcome our human doubts, our man-made fears,

To see ourselves as we truly are.


Ever so gently you place your wings upon our shoulders…

You teach us to fly.

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Breath from Heaven

A gentle touch of your breath calms us.

Relieving the heaviness of our spirits

From the pressing heat of the world.


Your humble breath

Lifts the wings of the falling.

A simple exhale into Heaven’s whisper,

And we discover the ground,

Which we so desperately seek.

Once again the stability we have lost

Appears in the chaos of the turning of time.

With a single, soft breath,

We are revived

In the glory of your grace;

We stand firm surrounded by your strength.


In the dancing of your delicate breath,

We hear you whisper…

Get up…Keep going…I am with you.

The darkness, the rain, the storms

Seep into the crevices of our doubt

Perfectly placed to strengthen our resistance,

To prepare us for the beauty

Of the triumph yet to come.


With a single kiss upon our cheek,

You remind us of your presence,

Of the comfort and safety of your hands,

Holding each of us in perfect harmony,

Guiding us all on our journeys.

One, tender, refreshing breath from Heaven,

And your words resound

I am with you. You are not alone.

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The Beauty of Change

Nothing remains the same;

Everything changes.

As inconstant as the wind,

All things twist, turn, and flow in their own perfect time.


A seed, small and lifeless,

Softens and cracks under the pressures of the Earth;

Breaking her rigid shell to release the power held within.

In her darkest moments,

Buried under mounds of dirt and fear,

She tests the limits

And severs the reigns that bind her,

Reaching ever higher toward the Light of Life,

Who patiently awaits her arrival.

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Inch by inch, she reveals her tenderness,

The delicate rawness she has forever guarded in secrecy.

For the first time,

She places her trust in the Universe

To provide for all she needs.

With a breath of freedom

Filling her lungs,

The tiny seed lets go.


She offers her thanks for the warm hands of the Sun

Wrapping her ever so gently in comfort.

For the teardrops who bathe her from above,

Quenching her endless thirst,

Calming her doubts,

Healing her pain,

Renewing her strength to grow.

For the Earth, once so dark and lonely,

Now fills her with life-giving nutrients.


In the enlightenment of change,

She learns.

The greater the gratitude,

The truer the trust,

The more graceful the growth.

The more lovely the letting go;

The more beautiful the becoming

Who she is meant to be,

Who she always was.


For all the worry,

All the uncertainty and tears,

Were never needed.

The timing was designed to be perfect.

The elegance and charm of her opening petals

Was only to be unveiled inĀ her moment,

Never to be rushed or prescribed or stopped.

She was only to greet the world awakened

When she was ready to let go of who she once was,

Willing to embody the changes humbly awaiting her acceptance,

To blossom in wisdom and grace.


Life is change.

It is our truth.

It is the answer to the endless questions we seek.

Time passes without end,

Minute by minute, year by year.

We walk unknowing, unsure of what lies ahead,

Yet we learn to trust in change;

To let go and breathe into the freedom of acceptance,

As this is our true power.


When we realize our purpose

To grow in each fleeting moment,

We meet our destiny.

We become our purpose.

We wake the magic of our souls;

We bloom in the beauty of change.


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