Return to Life

Dew drops of living green

grace the tips

of newly awakened branches

to soften the silhouette

of winter’s dreary palette.

Sundrops of gold

sprinkle the landscape

with promises of wishes

yet to be made.

Snowdrops of palest pink

kiss the sky

with hands opened wide

up to the heavens,


with the faintest

perfumed breath…

Thank you for

bringing us back

from the grips of death,

for the flow of warmth

for the return to life.

The Invisible

This piece is dedicated to the members of our community, who walk among us, and yet feel invisible ever day; for those who are the most vulnerable, who have fallen on hard times; those who need extra support to get back on their feet. This piece is also dedicated to the kind souls of our community who lead by example, who lead with love to show other struggling souls that they matter, that they are human, and that they deserve to be treated with human dignity…for they are not forgotten.

The invisible walk among us,

up and down noisy streets,

perched on park corners,

playing cribbage in hopes

to feel the pride of a win; 

a moment of validation

to prove their worth,

to show the world

that they exist.   

The invisible walk among us,

ever uncertain of where

their footsteps will lead,

of where their head 

will lay down to sleep.

Will their demons

tell them lies today

or will they overpower

those monsters

who come out to play?

The invisible sit among us,

beneath the shadows,

desperate to escape the reality

of being unwanted, forgotten,

criminalized by society. 

The invisible fight among us

to belong, to exist,

to breathe

in a world that has only

ever been cruel, 

and fails to see beyond

the mistakes of their doubts;

to show the world

how cold the darkness can be;

how trauma can steal

their only sense of home,

their only feelings of safety;

how human beings 

drown below the waves

of suffocating poverty. 

Yet, upon shooting stars, 

their wishes reach high,

and upon listening ears

fall the whispers of their prayers…

for the hearts of Earth’s angels  

have hands to uplift;

guided by purpose

of truth and service.

Even so, the power of change

is living still…

in the hands

of those Earth angels

who choose to see,

to not turn away,

to not place blame, 

but rather rise and speak

for the silent,

for the invisible,

for those among us

ever worthy of

our shared humanity.  

Photo: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

A Brother’s Love

This piece is dedicated to each of you, who have been left behind when a loved one is taken too soon from this earth. May their spirit always live on in your hearts.


There is a light 

that transcends 

both space and time.

From above 

it does not come,

but rather from within,

for that is where 

love begins. 

This light,

an unending flame,

flickers and flares

across distances

and years.

Through it all, 

this light burns strong; 

for a candle ignited 

by unconditional love

will forever burn on.  

Then, without warning,

your song comes on…

and old memories wake me

in the break of early dawn.

I crave just one phone call,

to hear your voice,

to laugh about the times

we used to know.

But, not this time…

no longer are you

on the other line.

I catch my breath

deep within my chest,


the day you suddenly left.

Burrowed in the embers

of heaviest grief

a warmth from within

begins to cascade,

and once again I realize

by our side

your living spirit remains. 

For, a brother’s love

death cannot untie.

It is forged

in the stardust 

of the Universe divine.

A brother’s love

has passed through 

many hands over time

and will continue

to beat in the hearts 

of those left behind. 

Although the Angels

may have called you

much too soon…

I know a brother’s love

will never cease.

For the light of love 

will always guide you

back to me.

The Magic of Christmas

When our breath sparkles

beneath the glow 

of colored lights,

we know the magic 

of Christmas is not 

far behind. 

When the smell

of cinnamon and clove,

once again return

to fragrant our homes,

we know the magic

of Christmas has returned

to comfort our weary souls.

When carols sweet

from yesterday

resound in the streets

and memories hang

upon branches of evergreen,

we know the magic

of Christmas is here

if only we believe. 

When smiles warm hearts 

between strangers 

and miracles appear,

the magic of Christmas

ignites the love 

that has been forgotten 

throughout the year.

And Santa so kind 

reminds all

no one is alone

in this world so cold,

for each Soul

is a worthy gift to behold.

So when the season comes,

may we reach out 

our hand in love

to welcome the lost,

to lift the broken,

to forgive the wrong.

For, when the magic 

of Christmas 

to each of us comes,

may we all become

Angels of love. 

Photo Courtesy of National Geographic Kids: By David Sucsy, ISTOCKPHOTO

When the Breaking Comes

When the breaking comes,

do not hold on.

The walls will fall hard

because you’ve been so strong

for far too long.

When the breaking comes,

do not be afraid.

Let the feelings spill over,

let them run free, 

it’s time for them

to be released.

When the breaking comes,

do not be ashamed;

do not try to hide.

For breaking is not weakness

as once was thought.

Rather, it’s a chance

to regain 

all that has been lost.  

We have been taught 

to keep continue on,

to push through,

to never quit.

But, we are human.

We feel deeper

than we wish to admit.

When life becomes

a swirl of dates and times 

and memories disappear

as if never alive,

we know the breaking

is ever close by.

Then, without warning,

whispers of tears 

well up in our eyes,

the moment a hug

unexpectedly arrives. 

With the kindest touch,

we remember… 

that maybe we’ll be alright.

For, when surrounded in love,

we’re never alone in this life. 

When the breaking comes,

yes, our hearts will shatter, 

they will crack and bleed,

but still, we’ll survive. 

For, the breaking, 

my Dear…

is all part of 

the grander design.

The breaking exists

as a means for us

to be refined,

to ground, to breathe,

to take some time.

For we are not meant 

to run and do and think

morning, noon, and night.

We are here to laugh,

to sip, to dance,

to notice the colors

of an early morning 

lavender sky.  

So when the breaking comes…

let the rivers flow,

let the feelings float on,

for this is how we heal,

for this is how we grow. 

Yes, Child, 

the breaking is truly

a gift in disguise.

May you find courage

in the letting go, 

May you welcome 

the glorious healing,

time after time

when the breaking arrives. 

Photo Courtesy of: Psychology Today

Mother Nature’s Daughter

Some days the river is too powerful…

the walls cannot hold the storm of tears before they overflow. 

Some days the attraction is too great…

my soles are pulled to the green, to kiss the grass,

to feel the warmth of the sun upon my face. 

Some days my heart beats to guitar strings dancing around me…

my mind longs to find comfort in her vibrations,

my mouth longs to taste the sweetness of her notes.

Some days the weight becomes too heavy…

I let all of the obligations of this world fall away; 

I follow my spirit back home, back to myself,

back to the quiet of my Soul;

back to the calm of mother nature’s canopy,

where dragonflies welcome me with a tickle upon my naked toes,

where my mother whispers in her cooling breath…

Welcome home, child, how I’ve missed you.

On those days I sit in my heaven’s peace

knowing that I am and always will be…

Mother Nature’s daughter. 

Mamas, I see you…

Mamas, I see you…

I see you who try, 

you who smile through the tears

you who say…

No, I’m sure…

Everything is fine,”

when all you need

is desperately to hide,

to take a quiet moment

to breathe, to sigh,

to sit down and cry. 

Mamas, I see you…

you who are not machines.

You who are not made to run 

on coffee, requests, and routines. 


You ARE human beings,

spilling over with love,

effort, knowing, and dreams.

You carry the weight 

of helping your children

to become somebody. 

You carry the weight of shame

when your children misbehave.

You feel the hurt

when they fall and bleed;

when their heart is in need. 

You carry it all every day. 

And, still you carry the weight

of your own mistakes,

upon your shoulders

your own worries, 

your own blame;

the moments you broke down,

the moments you were drowing

beneath the waves.

Mamas, I see you…

I hear your truth

when the words

you cannot speak.

I know that you are trying,


even when you feel

broken and weak. 

Mamas, I see you…

For I am a Mama, too. 

Please remember

when our days become mountains 

and are impossible to climb,

we are never alone.

We are here together;

and TOGETHER we will always rise.

Photo courtesy of: Tomsickova Tatyana/

Heaven of Green

Heaven welcomes me

among blankets of moss

and canopies of green.

Cascading waterfalls resound

only to tease,

as the gentle breeze 

rings through the windchimes 

of the trees. 

Within this temple 

of sacred peace,

shades of emerald green,

highlight the peridot-colored sea. 

While all around me,

life’s wild heart beats…

deer nibble tender leaves,

a monarch sips 

her nectar sweet,

two sandhill cranes

find lucious seeds 

upon which to nourish

and to feed.

The crimson cardinal 

serenades his lover 

above the hum 

of bumble bees,

as a rainbow of wildflowers

sway in perfect harmony 

to the rhythm of

the welcome July breeze.

Even amid the song

of the bullfrogs 

and trickling streams,

there lies a stillness… 

a quiet peace, 

calming the chaos

of the day’s unease.

For here,

a playful breeze 

tickles the cattails 

and hushes the reeds. 

For here,

in this place

is my holy peace,

beneath the arch

of oak and maple leaves, 

alongside the willow’s 

tearful honesty.

For here…

within my heaven of green,

I, myself, can truly breathe.

For here…

within my heaven of green,

I, myself, can hear

the beauty of my Soul speak. 

Photos taken at Heckrodt Wetland Reserve.

Pieces of Memories

Dedicated to my father, Grant Arendt, who has always encouraged his children to explore the land around our home and discover the past living beneath the soil. Through his stories, the Arendt family’s memories live on in each of us and now in his grandchildren.


There are days 

when the waves

come crashing between

the smoke and haze

and tomorrows fall back 

to flashes of yesterday;

when photographs

captured life

in white and gray,

and children made 

their way

outside to play.

Centuries passed

without ever looking back.

Worlds carried on…

homes held new memories

and crops grew strong

on land that years before

raised families with love.

Were the memories lost

once the people had gone?

Or are their stories 

living still below the ground 

that we walk upon?

Pieces of teacups,

plates, and pottery,

horse shoes, plows,

and tales of old 

farm towns…

Once again come to light

to speak words of life,

of love, of dancing,

of laughing into the night. 

The days may have floated by,

yet the soul of the family

is still deeply alive

in the photographs,

the memories, 

the pieces of life 

they left behind.   

Photo courtesy of: The Alois and Martha Arendt Family (circa 1960)

Photo: Pieces of memories found in the fields where the Arendt family residence was previously located (circa 2023).


You visited me 

with dragonfly wings,

traveling across

time and space

to meet me

in this most sacred place. 

Among the daisies,

the dahlias, the amethyst pansies,

you chose my weathered hand

upon which to land. 

With a tickle of breath 

from the Earth

upon your wings,

a humble greeting

do you bring. 

Welcome, my friend

your humble presence

speaks of your transcendence,

your trust,

your endless patience.

Without a spoken word, 

your message is clear,

your knowing is heard. 

A simple creature,

born among the mud,

a symbol of change,

of strength, of courage. 

As you grow, 

your colors reflect

the beauty of your Soul,

your holy transformation,

your elevated vibration. 

For you know

that in order to rise,

we must relinquish control;

let go of the weight

of the past that we hold.

We must trust in the divine

to let the Universe guide.

For the truth you have lived…

none are starting over,

but merely learning ourselves

how to forgive.

From our mistakes,

only the lessons we take,

as we prepare for the one

we are to become. 

With a grateful heart

and a humble nod, 

I lift you high

and return you to God. 

May you fly high,

may you fly free,

may a symbol 

of transformation 

and a gift to the Earth

you always be.